To tarnish the image of the Army Chief will not be good for the nation: Annie

  • District Correspondent,, Lakshmipur
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There is no opportunity to make the Army Chief controversial. The tarnished image of the cantonment and the Army Chief will not be good for the nation, said BNP Joint Secretary General Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Annie.

He said these things as the chief guest at the introduction meeting and iftar mahfil of the newly formed committee of the Lakshmipur District Ulama Dal on Saturday (March 22) afternoon.


He said that it is good for the country not to make the Army Chief controversial. He is in his place; he will remain in his place. But some controversies are spreading. This controversy is not being resolved. He took responsibility for the country like us on August 5 and 6.

Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Annie said that a deep conspiracy is going on in the country. I suffered for 17 years, to escape from the hands of oppression and torture. I fought for the vote. Now a conspiracy is going on about that vote. I will not accept this conspiracy. It will not be accepted, no opportunity will be given. We have sweat, labor and blood. Lakhs of leaders and activists have been jailed, tortured and oppressed. Our real interest is to protect the country and build a beautiful Bangladesh. To reach that target, a strong foundation of democracy is needed.


He also said that a deep conspiracy is going on to destroy our democracy. If there is a democratic election, someone or the other will come to power and rule the country. As a party of the people, BNP can expect this. For natural reasons, some people will not like it. Those who have not liked it for so long have fled.

Under the chairmanship of District Ulama Dal Convener Shah Mohammad Emran and moderated by Member Secretary Maulana Nurul Alam, the special guests were District BNP Member Secretary Sahabuddin Sabu, Sadar (East) Upazila BNP Convener Main Uddin Chowdhury Riaz and District Swechcha Sevak Dal President Mohsin Kabir Swapan.