The government had already announced five consecutive days of holiday on the occasion of Eid. Now, April 3 has also been declared a holiday by executive order.
The decision to grant this holiday was made in a meeting of the Advisory Council on Thursday (March 20). As a result, government officials and employees will be getting nine consecutive days of holiday from March 28 to April 5.
Depending on the sighting of the moon, the holy Eid-ul-Fitr may be celebrated in the country on Monday, March 31. The list of public holidays has been determined based on that calculation.
Accordingly, the Eid-ul-Fitr holiday is starting on March 29 on paper. But the day before the scheduled holiday starts, March 28 is a weekly holiday, Friday. At the same time, the holy Shab-e-Qadr holiday is also on the same day. Meanwhile, the five-day holiday for Eid-ul-Fitr is starting from March 29. That is, this holiday will last until March 29, 30, 31 and April 1 and 2. In between, Eid day is a general holiday. And the two days before Eid and the two days after it are public holidays by executive order.
According to the previous announcement, the office was supposed to open after the holiday on Thursday, April 3. The next two days are weekly holidays, Friday and Saturday. Now, since April 3 is also a holiday by executive order, government officials and employees will enjoy nine consecutive days of leave from March 28 to April 5.
However, two days before the start of this holiday, there is the Independence and National Day holiday on March 26. The office will be open for one day on the next day, Thursday, March 27.
According to the holiday rules, there is no rule to take casual leave between the two holidays. If you take it, it will become a consecutive leave. However, there is an opportunity to take earned leave. Apart from this, there is also an opportunity to take optional leave. However, every employee must obtain prior approval from the concerned authority to enjoy the three-day optional leave determined according to their religion at the beginning of the year. There is an opportunity to allow optional leave by combining general holidays, government holidays and weekly holidays in the executive order.