Country's largest Jamuna rail bridge to be inaugurated on Tuesday

Photo: Collected
After a long wait, the country's largest Jamuna rail bridge is going to be inaugurated on March 18. However, since it is a single-track rail line, the full benefits of the bridge will not be available immediately.
Admitting the matter, the authorities said that a double-track rail line will be built through the new project. As a result, new horizons of communication, trade and economy will be opened.
The state-of-the-art rail bridge is visible over the Jamuna River. All the work is complete, now we just have to wait for the official inauguration.
The double-track bridge, standing on 50 pillars and 49 spans with state-of-the-art steel technology infrastructure, is raising its head with a promise of a hundred years of durability, indicating the potential progress of Bangladesh. The auspicious beginning of which is going to be on March 18.
This bridge, built with Japanese cutting-edge technology, is different from all other bridges in the country. The bridge has double tracks and two modern stations on both sides. Under the bridge deck are gas pipelines and power lines that will play an important role in the development of North Bengal.