Muscle-based student politics on campuses needs to end: Nahid Islam

  • Staff Correspondent,,Dhaka
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photo: Collected

Muscle-based student politics on universities needs to end, said Md. Nahid Islam, adviser to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

He said this as the chief guest at the closing and award distribution ceremony of the Youth Festival organized by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting at the Press Institute (PIB) premises on Circuit House Road in the capital on Wednesday.


The information adviser said that students should do positive politics for the welfare of the country and develop themselves to lead the country. The young generation that was created through the July mass uprising will influence Bangladesh for at least the next two decades. The direction in which Bangladesh will go in the future will largely depend on the youth. The government or political party that will embrace the aspirations of the youth will be successful.

Nahid Islam said that the interim government is working to involve the youth in various activities. Youth should also spontaneously participate in various creative activities.


He said that action will be taken against those who took away the people's voting rights and worked against the people in the 2014 and 2018 national elections. Besides, those involved in the July massacre will also be brought to justice soon. The advisor said that people want change, want to get out of the previous political system. That is why reform activities are underway. After the mass uprising, various desires were born, and reforms are being taken forward to fulfill those desires. Students must be given opportunities for welfare politics by eliminating the dominance of muscle power in the campuses of educational institutions because they will be the leaders of the future.

He also said that in the last 15-16 years, they have been subjected to various atrocities. There are still allies of fascism and people of their ideology in the society. The fight against them continues. A tribunal will be formed to bring those involved in the July-August massacre, including Sheikh Hasina, to justice. People will get relief if justice is served.

Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Rezaul Maksud Zahedi spoke as a special guest at the event. In addition, the chairman of the meeting, Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Mahbuba Farzana spoke. The event was moderated by Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Information Nigar Sultana and Director General of the Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB) Faruk Wasif.