Japan is burning in a terrible conflagration, 1 dead

  • International Desk, Barta24.com
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Photo: Collected

Photo: Collected

The northern district of Iwao in Japan is burning in the worst conflagration in three decades. About 1,700 firefighters are working to control the fire. One person has died so far in the incident. About 84 buildings have been damaged.

This information was reported in a BBC report on Monday (March 4). Earlier, the fire in the northern city of Ofunato began on Thursday.


Officials of the disaster management agency said that the fire that broke out on Thursday has spread to 5,200 acres in the city of Ofunato. About 4,600 residents have been ordered to evacuate the area. Many residents have already been evacuated.

The agency said that the weather in Ofunato is dry in March. Last month, there was only 2.5 millimeters of rain, which is the lowest in the last 20 years. The average rainfall in Ofunato in February is 41 millimeters.


Fire service personnel from 14 regions, including Tokyo, are working to control the fire. In addition, 16 military helicopters are being used.

According to government data, about 2,000 people have taken refuge with relatives, and another 1,200 have been moved to various shelters.

According to government statistics, the number of wildfires in Japan has decreased since the 1970s. However, in 2023, the country experienced about 1,300 fires, mainly between February and April.