Dhaka: Disinformation is a grave danger than accurate information. Disinformation is more dangerous and harmful. The scourge of disinformation is going beyond the limits in post-July Revolution Bangladesh. It would not be right to ignore this scourge at all. Rather, if the scourge of disinformation is ignored, it will strangle the real truth like an octopus.
Needless to say, the main motivation behind all the political activities going on in Bangladesh recently is the democratic transition and the permanent end of dictatorship and fascism. In this case, the expectation has been expressed for the interim government to return to its work after handing over responsibility to the elected government. The declared intention of the current government is, ``The old Bangladesh was completely corrupt, so we want to build a new Bangladesh. In that case, we are getting a lot of support from all levels of the international community.'' If the interim government succeeds in this task, it will create history and they themselves will also occupy an honorable place in history.
It is true that the interim government is giving full value to freedom of information and expression on the path of democratic transition. All the information and truth that was suppressed by the terror of the dictatorship of the past and was stained with blood by the violence of fascism is gradually being revealed. The question is being raised in the media, ``Where are the murderers of the July Revolution?'' Such a question was unthinkable in the recent Bangladesh. In many cases, the victims are seeking redress. They are filing cases. The judicial process is moving forward at a normal pace. Another important prerequisite for democracy is the return of the atmosphere of justice or the rule of law, which was dominated by parties, individuals and groups in the past.
However, the situation after the July Revolution is not at all peaceful, but largely chaotic. Ambitious people are distorting justice or the rule of law. The business of lawsuits has started due to greed for money or revenge. As in the past, there is collusion between government officials and dishonest police officers in these business of lawsuits. Expatriates, professionals, and innocent ordinary people are being harassed by making them defendants in cases. Huge amounts of money are being extorted. In this, ordinary people are being harmed instead of the real criminals. In particular, revenge is being served. The issue of torturing many people by labeling them as allies of dictatorship and fascism is completely against the justice and rule of law of a democratic society. The issue of oppressing people by distorting law and justice is not at all compatible with democratic culture.
Similarly, there is extreme excess in the area of freedom of information and expression. Disinformation or misinformation is being spread freely. Rumors are being presented as truth or information. Information technology is being used by conspiracy groups in this regard. Even, false information is being spread through photo cards using the mastheads or logos of various famous newspapers and media outlets. Such malicious activities are the enemy of information and expression and cybercrime. Such criminal gangs are quite active at present. They often spread misinformation by impersonating various individuals or organizations, including the popular multimedia news portal Barta24.com, which has also been attacked. Popular portals are chosen by criminals. Popular media outlets in Bangladesh, including BBC and CNN, are repeatedly facing such attacks. There is no doubt that these misdeeds will disrupt the democratic transition and create confusion and disappointment in the public mind, thereby strengthening dictatorship and fascism.
As a result, the government, political parties, media and civil society must be extremely vigilant against the misdeeds of certain circles. We cannot run away just because we hear that 'Chile has taken notice'. We must investigate and uncover the real truth. The safest thing is to go to the main portal's webpage and verified Facebook page and compare suspicious news or information. If any inconsistencies are found, bring them to the attention of the authorities. If necessary, inform the Cyber Crime Division of the police about the misinformation and give them the opportunity to take necessary action.
The Cyber Crime Division of the Police also needs to maintain close relations and communication with the Ministry of Information and the media. So that if any rumors, lies, mistakes or misinformation arise, they can be brought under the law and suppressed on their own initiative. It is hoped that the cyber crime division of the police will be able to prevent the spread of misinformation.
Above all, in the midst of the difficulties that exist on the path to transition from a revolutionary situation to democracy, the spread of misinformation by ill-intentioned people can create various dangers and instability. It can bring the risk of instability in the socio-economic and political fields. Therefore, it is essential for those concerned to be vigilant in this regard.
Dr. Mahfuz Parvez: Associate Editor, Barta24.com; Professor and Chairman, Department of Political Science, Chittagong University and Executive Director, Chittagong Center for Regional Studies, Bangladesh (CCRSBD).