A cry of pain spread throughout the body. At that moment, the younger brother came closer and gestured to be quiet and quiet. He was trying to tell her that nothing would happen? I am here. But did her heart listen to that? Meanwhile, younger sister Achiya was looking at him with a blank look. Hearing her brother's gesture, she put her hand to her mouth and caressed her little brother. The brother wearing a black mask was looking at his sister in his mind.
When Achiya could not speak due to the pain, her younger brother seemed to understand the language of her eyes in an instant. Understanding the language of her eyes, he moved her face and began to explain. Then Achiya used her hand to remove the mask from her brother's face and gave her one last caress. And she said something with her mouth. After a while, Achia fell to the ground as a flower. The little child's face, covered in tears, was instantly all over social media. Little Achia is lying down and suffering from pain. This 1 minute and 7 second video before the storm hit, created a big storm in everyone's lives. The shadow of grief that was shattered by the storm has erased the fragrance of her life in the eyes of everyone.
According to the laws of nature, before the flower blooms, the bud forms a small ‘guti’ on the tree. But that bud could not develop. Before the flower blooms, it fell to the ground in the storm. Life was destroyed in the bud due to the brutal torture of the beast. The bud was just waiting to bloom. A few hours before the storm, the smile and the scene of her brother's affection knock on the door of everyone's mind. No matter how old she was. Only 8 years old. She went to his sister's in-laws' house during the school holidays. The trip seemed to be the time of her life. There, even in the safe shelter of his sister, the little child was brutally tortured by the beast.
On the night of March 5, the beasts mauled her in the Nijnanduali area of Magura town. She was tortured so much that the child was on the verge of death. In such a serious condition, she was brought to the local hospital and then to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Later, she was taken to the Combined Military Hospital (CMH)Dhaka.
The child lost her battle with death for a week. As if the marigold (Achiya) fell without blooming. The sky and air were supposed to be filled with the fragrance of marigold. There, the sky and air became heavy after she fell in the storm. Instead, black darkness descended. People of all classes and professions mourned her loss. The entire nation of Sreepur Upazila in Magura is crying for this child. The entire human race is wailing. The entire nation is condemning the brutal torture on Achiya.